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Marketplace offers tools to automate tasks across your entire revenue lifecycle
to boost business growth.

Interactive features
Built by Pipedrive

Manage contracts

Hold demo
Understand need
Make proposal
Follow up
Send and sign contracts
Close deal
Showing 13-24 of 59
Quoting software that integrates seamlessly with Pipedrive. Every time a quote is created, Quoter creates its respective contact and deal.
DocuSign on Pipedrive
freeinteractive features
DocuSign on Pipedrive
Manage DocuSign envelopes for your deals with the DocuSign-Pipedrive integration
freeinteractive features
Créez et suivez vos factures et abonnements Pennylane directement depuis Pipedrive.
Danish CVR Lookup
interactive features
Danish CVR Lookup
Pipedrive Danish CVR Lookup integration fetches the organization data in your CRM by searching through CVR numbers or company names from Virk.
Join millions who benefit from online scheduling, meeting, e-signing and automated content sharing. With ClientPoint, it's all in one place.
Cling -  Avtal & e-signering
Cling - Avtal & e-signering
Skapa och skicka offerter, avtal och kontrakt direkt från Pipedrive. Låt dina kunder signera säkert och smidigt med BankID.
PDF Generator
interactive features
PDF Generator
Generate PDFs from templates using Pipedrive data with PDF Generator by easyCRM!
interactive features
Drive sales velocity with integrated eSigning and contract management
QuoteMachine - Quotes, Orders, Invoices & Payments
interactive features
QuoteMachine - Quotes, Orders, Invoices & Payments
QuoteMachine brings a simple, scalable sales solution for high-converting quotes, orders, and invoices that transform your customer experience.
Seidat - Sales Enablement Platform
freeinteractive features
Seidat - Sales Enablement Platform
Streamline your sales and marketing processes. Automatically create sales materials, proposals, and marketing materials, and track their actions.
CaptureFast is the world’s first cloud-based and mobile-first solution for documents and data capture.
Clientjoy - Portal for your Clients
Clientjoy - Portal for your Clients
Clientjoy helps your Business set up a white-labelled Portal for your Clients. It also helps you e-Sign your Documents and Get Paid with Invoicing.

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