

by Reportei

Reportei is a SaaS (Software as a Service) that helps marketing professionals communicate performance with their clients through reports.

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Reportei is an advanced digital marketing reporting and dashboard tool designed to empower marketing professionals with accurate and actionable insights. With a focus on optimizing paid traffic and exploiting the power of social media, Reportei simplifies the process of data collection, analysis, and presentation, streamlining workflows that were once manual and time-consuming.

Generate professional reports in just 3 seconds! Stop wasting time with manual tasks, increase your customer base, and improve the quality of your service. Our multi-channel integration helps you to have an efficient data collection aggregating data in real-time, so you can stay up-to-date with your metrics.

Easy to use and with customizable Reports and Dashboards, enhancing your analysis and with a streamlined collaboration your marketing teams and decision-makers will get along and participate to have understandable information.

This way you'll stay ahead of your competitors having fast data-driven strategies and well informed decisions.

Installation instructions

  1. Signup for Reportei;
  2. Create a new project;
  3. Integrate your Pipedrive Account;
  4. Generate your first Report or Dashboard;
  5. Analyze your metrics and make better decisions!

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