
Import Unlimited LinkedIn contacts to Pipedrive with one click and save hours on manually copy-pasting work.

Attract new leads, Qualify my leads, Communicate with leads, Manage my accounts

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This app is either entirely free or offers some features for free. There may be limits on how much you can use certain features for free, and you might need to open paid account to access all features.


Supercharge Prospecting with Linkedin Pipedrive Integration

LinkPort Chrome extension is a free tool that lets you import unlimited contact data from LinkedIn to Pipedrive directly. You can populate Pipedrive with contact details like name, email, phone number, and organization with one click.


  • Seamless LinkedIn Pipedrive integration
  • Import unlimited contacts
  • Detect and eliminate duplicates
  • Compatible with LinkedIn and Sales navigator


  • Import contact data with one click and save 10+ hours on copy-paste work
  • Add prospects to Pipedrive without leaving LinkedIn

Installation instructions

  • Install the LinkPort Chrome Extension
  • Sign-up to LinkPort with your Pipedrive account
  • Once connected, go to LinkedIn and click on the 'Add to Pipedrive’ button
  • Click on the button to automatically fill in details and import contacts to Pipedrive

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