Track the time spent in Pipedrive with automatic time tracking from Timely.

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Get full transparency over how much time your sales team spends in Pipedrive with automatic time tracking.

Timely makes every second you spend in Pipedrive count:

  • See all the time you spend in Pipedrive
  • Quantify resources spent in your CRM
  • Determine your sales team's lead time
  • Monitor your company’s communication burdens
  • Optimize team productivity and sales efficiency

And it’s completely automatic! You won’t waste time managing multiple timers: Timely tracks the time you spend in Pipedrive in the background while you work.

Get a completely accurate timeline of all your sales work and then bill accurately, report beautifully and manage your team’s time all in one place!

Installation instructions

Setting up automatic time tracking with Timely is super easy!

Step 1: Click “Visit site to install” above and sign up on our website if you don’t yet have a Timely account

Step 2: Download and connect the memory tracker for Mac or Windows to start tracking time spent in Pipedrive. Go about your day as usual.

Step 3: All the active time you spend in Pipedrive will automatically appear in Timely. Just click on a tracked Pipedrive entry to add it to your timesheet.

Your timesheet is ready! Use our ready-made dashboards to report and analyze all your sales activity quickly.

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