Solar Monkey

Solar Monkey

by Solar Monkey

Solar panel installers worldwide use Solar Monkey as their key business software to remotely offer, quote and monitor solar panel systems.

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Solar panel installers worldwide use Solar Monkey as their key business software to remotely offer, quote and monitor solar panel systems.

Users can progress from design to full quote in just a minute using this incredibly simple interface. The software uses a mind-boggling combination of 2D aerial imagery with 3D imaging for automated shading analysis, on top of a world-class calculation engine for accurate results. All of this without compromising on ease of use.

After installation, a monitoring service can be enabled with a single click. In an insightful dashboard, the actual performance of solar systems is analyzed and displayed. Your clients can receive quarterly performance reports for optimal engagement even after installation.

The integration with Pipedrive combines the most effective solar design with the most user-friendly CRM, allowing solar panel installers to run their processes spotlessly to optimize results.

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