Rexpense is a robust expense management application that automates many business processes and, in doing so, reduces administrative efforts.

Enable payments and tracking, Other use cases

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App screenshot


Rexpense is the simplest way to control expenses, repayments and down payments, ensuring agility and efficiency in your team's daily lives. With the application, you can register expenses in real-time, send messages and ask questions instantly, without losing time or money.

The Pipedrive-Rexpense integration automates the reimbursement and control of expenses related to meeting potential customers and leads for your company. When integrated with Pipedrive, Rexpense can automatically generate pre-expenses every time a user adds an important activity to their pipeline. You can even determine which Pipedrive activities generate new automatic expenses, such as lunch or meetings, to have a clear overview of your finances.

Installation instructions

For more information on how to set up the integration please to to this page:

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