

by NativeForms

Build forms, surveys and polls for Pipedrive.

Attract new leads, Qualify my leads

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App screenshot


**Whenever a form is completed, leads and deals in Pipedrive will be created automatically. **

This integration for NativeForms and Pipedrives will improve the communication with your clients, and excellent communication is the key to success. Collecting information from website visitors and potential clients will enable you to improve your service.

**Who needs NativeForms? **

Everybody who wants to capture leads but feels like traditional form builder platforms lack the features they need as well as everybody who is disappointed by the conversion rates of traditional providers.

**Examples for the use of NativeForms: **

  • Lead capture forms
  • "Contact us" forms
  • "Request quote" forms
  • Order and subscription forms
  • Feature request
  • Customer satisfaction surveys – NPS
  • Bug reports
  • Website feedback
  • "Schedule a call"
  • "Join our Newsletter"

We believe that each company can benefit from NativeForms. There is always at least one use-case where NativeForms can be used.

*Ready to impress your users? *

Installation instructions

  1. Create a free account at NativeForms
  2. Create a form
  3. Enable the Pipedrive integration on the form
  4. Map form fields to their Pipedrive properties
  5. Share the form link or embed the form on any website

That's it. You are good to go 👍

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