

by Heptaward

Stimulate sales reps and make work more fun! We broadcast your Team's achievements within our social network and on your TV's. All in real time.

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Heptaward is a web application for sales reps who want to motivate, stimulate and make work more fun. Increase sales and keep activity remaining at a high level.

Channels : be the new office hero.

Selling Is way more exciting than watching TV. But what if it's YOU on TV? With channels you can broadcast your team's KPI's on your screens in real time. Sales ranking, leaderboards, latest activities. Nothing will ever be missed

Echoes : the sales reps social network.

React, comment and broadcast. We get your activities and broadcast within a social network dedicated to recognition.

Mood : at the heart of your team.

74% of employees have indicated their happiness at work. What about yours? We get your team mood everyday by a simple anonymous poll. You can now see your team' spirit in real time.

We integrate into your CRM in one click. No configuration required. Log in, and everything is ready to go. We get and format your CRM data in real time and bring them to life.

Installation instructions

  1. Sign up for Heptaward
  2. Click on "Try for Free" to start your 7-day free trial
  3. Click install Heptaward in the marketplace
  4. You are now ready to use Heptaward and Pipedrive!

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