Dear Lucy (integration)

Dear Lucy (integration)

by Marketplace Team

The 25 most popular sales metrics from Pipedrive organized into five great-looking dashboards. Up and running instantly!

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Dear Lucy is the smartest solution for Pipedrive reporting! Connect your Pipedrive to Dear Lucy and you instantly have five dashboards with the 25 most popular sales metrics from Pipedrive up and running.

No need to spend time building dashboards from scratch - it is genuinely just "plug and play".

The dashboards give you an overview of your sales and make it easy to communicate results effectively across the company. The cloud-based solution looks great on everything from your smartphone to an office TV screen, and you can modify it to suit your needs.

The five dashboards have designed for different purposes:

  • Overview dashboard for the leadership team
  • Dashboard for the board of directors/investors/stakeholders
  • Two reporting dashboards for the sales team (pipeline view & team member view)
  • Tv-screen dashboard for the office

The sales dashboards are packed with clever features:

  • Calculates a real-time sales forecast based on value, close date and the probability of deals
  • Advanced goal editor to set sales goals for teams or individuals
  • Widgets turn red or green indicators to indicate success
  • Drill-downs provide further data
  • 11 colour themes, ability to upload own images/videos
  • User invites and user group management for admins
  • “Kiosk links” to display dashboards as a carousel on tv-screens
  • GDPR compliant and 3rd party security audited

You can modify the dashboards to suit your needs and complement them with further customizations.

Installation instructions

If you’re not a Dear Lucy user yet, simply sign- up for our free trial.

Step 1: Sign up for Dear Lucy free trial Step 2: Go to "Settings" and “Integrations” and select “Pipedrive” Step 4: Follow the instructions and add your Pipedrive credentials (Oauth) Step 5: The dashboards will fetch data from Pipedrive and your data will appear on the dashboards

Setup instructions for existing Dear Lucy customers Step 1: Contact Dear Lucy support to activate the Sales dashboards package for Pipedrive Step 2: In the “Integrations” menu in settings, select “Pipedrive” Step 3: Follow the instructions and add your Pipedrive credentials (Oauth) Step 4: The new dashboards will be imported to your current environment with your Pipedrive data.

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