Catalyst [deceased]

Catalyst [deceased]

by Playlyfe IT Solutions Private Limited

Catalyst improves CRM adoption, drives motivation and increases engagement within your sales team leading to increased sales performance.

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Catalyst transforms the way you communicate with your sales team on a daily basis. It harnesses the power of gamification to drive individual behaviours that form the foundation for a strong sales culture through the use of Scorecards, Sales TVs, Triggers, Competitions, Goals and Coaching.

It allows you sales managers to build a strong sales culture by addressing the following challenges:

  • Improving CRM adoption and instilling strong adherence to the sales process
  • Creating realtime transparency into daily operational sales metrics.
  • Publicly recognizing key achievements by your sales reps in realtime.
  • Building personal accountability for every sales reps based on their performance on a daily basis.
  • Empowering managers to pro-actively give feedback to individual agents when they notice troubling trends in performance.
  • Organizing individual and team based sales competitions to improve one or more sales metrics.
  • Coaching and developing agents through regular 1:1s and personalized goals

Catalyst improves CRM adoption, drives motivation and increases engagement within your sales team leading to increased sales performance.

Installation instructions

Importing users into Catalyst from your Pipedrive CRM is really simple. Simply follow the steps below:

Click Manage > Users Click the Actions button at the right corner and select Add Users Click the Via Connector tab Select Pipedrive as your Connector Click the Sync Users button at the right Once the sync is complete, you should see a list of your users from Pipedrive.

Simply click the add button on the users you wish to add. The users will be shifted to the Added Users tab.

You can make any additional modifications the the added users and then hit the Done button to finish adding them to Catalyst.

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