CallHippo (manual integration)

CallHippo (manual integration)

by CallHippo

Pipedrive-CallHippo integration will help you to speed up your communication with clients by 80%

Communicate with leads, Manage my accounts

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CallHippo adds calling capabilities to Pipedrive, centralizes all phone operations in one single-interface and uses contacts from Pipedrive for interaction.

The advantages of a Pipedrive-CallHippo virtual phone system integration: CallHippo cloud-based phone system automatically logs calls for every call made, missed, and received, voicemail in the activities section of pipedrive.

The VoIP Phone System allows you to take notes after a conversation with your client to make sure you don't miss any information!

In addition, call recordings with your Virtual Phone Number automatically sync & appear on Pipedrive as well and Click to Call can be enabled very easily with CallHippo's click to call chrome extension.

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