

by Zellenkur UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG


12Sync automatically synchronizes data between Pipedrive and other known apps.

Qualify my leads, Communicate with leads, Automate my pipeline and data, Manage my accounts

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12Sync is the synchronization tool with bi- and multi-dimensional synchronization.

Thanks to 12Sync, you can trigger and control and trigger marketing campaigns directly from pipedrive. Some functions specially developed for pipedrive add convenience and more performance to every campaign. For example: update, trigger and move active leads, even down to the tag level of each lead.

12Sync synchronizes data between pipedrive, Klick-Tipp, Mailchimp and other popular applications.

In addition, we offer developer services for highly individual sync connections to ERP systems and other business platforms.

Installation instructions

  • Sign up for 12Sync
  • Follow our Video
  • Connect at least one other System like Klick-Tipp
  • Map your custom fields (some system-fields are already mapped for you)
  • Activate the Webhooks for the target systems

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